Improve Favorites Filter
Favorites turned out to be unusable when several clients are selecting photos from a session.
We have notifications about likes by customers, even with a list of liked photos. But finally, we get a list of people's activities (likes, comments, and annotations) or a list of photos that we or everyone else likes.
I have no way of checking which photos a specific customer liked. Maybe I'm missing something?
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Nathan Felix
Michel Luarasi
Michel Luarasi
under review
Hi, by default customers can leave anonymous feedback and optionally add their name. This is why you don't see their name. To avoid this, you can enable "Require Name & Email" in the sharing settings. I hope this works.
Michel Luarasi not my point.
How to get list of favorites from specific person? Assume they add name and email.
Michel Luarasi
Fotomohito : Hi, I understand. We'll probably have to update the filters when users are selected in order to only interact with activities from them. I'll mark this post as planned to see this. What we also need to show is the list of all people who have liked an asset and not just a count. I'll set this post as planned.
Michel Luarasi Great!